Sunday, April 17, 2011


Behold the Chapstick Conundruum.

I bought a little tube of strawberry Chapstick a few weeks ago and I am most unhappy.  It smells so good, it makes my lips feel good, but there's something awry.  About 30 minutes after the application, I cannot feel as though I have been properly moisterized.  My lips are dry and my Chapstick tube becomes an addiction.

It feels as though the Chapstick company has designed to be only semi-effective, a horribly deceptive idea.  What kind of sick person does this?  Now I have two choices.  First, I could continue to feed the consumer cycle of comfort and apply more strawberry Chapstick.  Or I could throw the pink tube in the trash can and endure a few days of uncomfort.  Obviously, I'm going to choose option one; I'm American.

This problem makes me wonder, how many other products have been designed like this?  In the junior's section of department stores, most shirts are see-through.  Most girls do not walk around with see-through shirts, and so they are made to buy undershirts, which are conveniently located next to the see-throughs.  In our materialistic society, this race against morality is an awful reminder of who we are.  Instead of sucuumbing to this American push, use your free will to choose things that don't support this deception.

Moral: Don't buy Chapstick unless you want to make a lifelong investment.

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