Sunday, October 10, 2010

Labels. Which One Are You?

One day last week, I was sitting at lunch, longing for the weekend.  Knowing those around me would agree, I voiced my opinion, and we began to discuss what we like to do on Saturdays.  One girl said she likes to sleep in late and then play video games.  To my surprise, another girl exclaimed,

"Video games?  You're such a guy [insert name here]!  Were you playing, like, Halo?"

WAAAROOOO! WAAAAROOO! (That's my blog siren.  It goes off when I experience something blog-worthy.)

Let us, first, make a full, stereotyped girlie-girl before we move on to why these sorts of things are completely wrong and awful and horribly degrading and...

Actually, that would make us too much like the girl at my lunch table, laughing at another because of a video game.What makes humans so judgemental?  Before we can even begin to address female equality, the female gender has to realize that, in order to achieve the goal of gender equality, we must accept each other for who we are.  Not all of us were meant to be fashion models or artists or cheerleaders.  The hate and the judgement that is between the different groups (and no, it is not one-sided) is horrendous.  Here are a few stereotypes:

The sort-of preppie girl

Goth/emo (I know they're different, but for our purposes, this will have to do)

Sporty girl

Me.  I'm not a stereotype, just crushed by the world of labels.
How is this right?  No one actually completely fits these stereotypes, so why do we bother?  I think, for this coming week, we should all try and talk to someone we normally wouldn't.  Better yet, let's talk to someone that we've stereotyped automatically.  The only way to combat the cycle is to completely throw it away.  Each and every person has unique talents and insights, and the world of labels seeks to suppress that truth. 

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