Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holiday Eating

Every year, people make New Year's Resolutions to change the way they eat because over the past week, they have gorged themselves on every comfort food known to mankind.  When a large family gets together, they usually bring a lot of food.  Sometimes, one family can have more than one Christmas by visiting each side on different days.  All this eating can be bad for our health.

But all this eating can have another victim.  Pets are notorious for begging for food, and when family and friends are together, it's hard to keep track of how much they've had so far.  Unfortunately, all this eating can have a more negative effect on our pets than it does for us.  Specific things, such as chocolate, dairy products, grapes, macadamia nuts, and alcohol are prohibited for dogs.  These are not the only things, but checking a reputable website will help you become knowledgable about these dangers.

Under no circumstances should a dog or cat be fed alcohol.  It can cause intoxication, coma, or death, depending on how much an animal is fed.  Something that makes people behave dangerously and stupidly should NEVER be given to an animal with even less conscious judgement.

To make sure you don't spend your Christmas evening cleaning up the contents of your pet's stomach or worse, put a "NO FEED" rule in place for the holidays.  Everyone who walks through your door should be told in no uncertain terms that the dog is not to be fed, no matter how much he begs.  In a time of cheer, make sure that your pet can safely enjoy the season with you.

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